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Dive Into Kubernetes Introduction - Getting Started with Containers, Docker and Kubernetes
Course Introduction & Syllabus
Introduction to your Instructor and Course Syllabus (5:59)
Ensuring Credibility: Verifying Your Instructor’s Kubernetes Certification
Help and Support (2:36)
Course Update Notice, Embracing Change in Technology (1:00)
Docker and Kubernetes Primer (5:00)
Docker and Kubernetes Primer - Quiz
Containers with Docker Introduction
Introduction to Containers (14:58)
Introduction to Containers - Quiz
Docker Desktop Installation and Configuration (13:24)
Docker Desktop Installation and Configuration - Quiz
Docker Desktop Installation and Configuration - Challenge
Container Images (12:16)
Container Images - Optional Challenges
Container Images - Optional Challenges Solutions
Container Images - Quiz
Running Containers (7:13)
Running Containers - Quiz
Running Containers - Optional Challenges
Running Containers - Optional Challenges Solutions
Container Network Services and Volumes (7:30)
Container Networking Services and Volumes - Quiz
Container Networking Services and Volumes - Optional Challenges
Container Networking Services and Volumes - Optional Challenges Solutions
Building Container Images - Part 1 (11:13)
Building Container Images - Part 2 (15:43)
Building Container Images - Part 3 (4:25)
Building Container Images - Quiz
Building Container Images - Optional Challenges
Building Container Images - Optional Challenges Solutions
Kubernetes Lab Setup
Kubernetes Lab Setup - Docker Desktop and Lab Guide (5:20)
Kubernetes Lab Setup - Google Cloud Shell (2:35)
Kubernetes Lab Setup - Docker Compose (2:02)
Container Runtimes
Container Runtimes (7:07)
Container Runtimes - Quiz
Container Runtimes - Optional Study
Hands on with Container Runtimes (15:03)
Hands on with Container Runtimes - Lab
Hands on with Container Runtimes - Quiz
Installing Kubernetes
Installing Kubernetes (9:16)
Installing Kubernetes - Lab
Installing Kubernetes - Quiz
Installing Kubernetes - Optional Study
Kubernetes Pods
Kubernetes Pods (3:39)
Kubernetes Pods - Lab
Kubernetes Pods - Quiz
Kubernetes Pods - Optional Challenges
Kubernetes Pods - Optional Challenges Solutions
The Pause Container
The Pause Container (9:31)
The Pause Container - Quiz
The Pause Container - Optional Study
Kubernetes Pod Networking
Kubernetes Pod Networking (4:39)
Kubernetes Pod Networking - Lab
Kubernetes Pod Networking - Quiz
Kubernetes Pod Networking - Optional Challenges
Kubernetes Pod Networking - Optional Challenges Solutions
Kubernetes YAML
Kubernetes YAML (6:17)
Kubernetes YAML - Lab
Kubernetes YAML - Quiz
Kubernetes YAML - Optional Study
Kubernetes Deployments
Kubernetes Deployments (5:27)
Kubernetes Deployments - Lab
Kubernetes Deployments - Quiz
Kubernetes Services
Kubernetes Services (4:49)
Kubernetes Services - Lab
Kubernetes Services - Quiz
Kubernetes Services - Optional Study
Kubernetes DNS
Kubernetes DNS (9:38)
Kubernetes DNS - Lab
Kubernetes DNS - Quiz
Kubernetes Architecture Dissection
Kubernetes Architecture Dissection (5:54)
Kubernetes Architecture Dissection - Lab
Kubernetes Architecture Dissection - Quiz
Kubelet and Static Pods
Kubelet and Static Pods (4:19)
Kubelet and Static Pods - Lab
Kubelet and Static Pods - Quiz
etcd (4:11)
etcd - Lab
etcd - Quiz
Kube-Apiserver (1:56)
Kube-Apiserver - Lab
Kube-Apiserver - Quiz
Kube-Scheduler (2:12)
Kube-Scheduler - Lab
Kube-Scheduler - Quiz
Controller-Manager (2:18)
Controller-Manager - Lab
Controller-Manager - Quiz
Kube-Proxy (2:51)
Kube-Proxy - Lab
Kube-Proxy - Quiz
CoreDNS and KubeDNS
CoreDNS and KubeDNS (3:52)
CoreDNS and KubeDNS - Lab
CoreDNS and KubeDNS - Quiz
Conclusion and Architectural Diagrams
Conclusion and Architectural Diagrams (3:08)
Credits and Thanks
Container Runtimes - Optional Study
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